Friday, January 04, 2008

In need for some inspiration

I wake up this morning to a glimmer of a change for American Society. My thanks go first and foremost to the president "elect" George Bush. It is because of the last 7 draining years that we begin to get off our couches and demand a change. Yesterday was the first caucus, that is, the first state to choose its representing candidate for the November 2008 election, and Barak Obama won. Nobody would have expected that in this day and age, when we inhibit the right of gays to get married, we support a rash act of discrimination like Gena 6, we embark on an imperial war against the eastern world and their way of life, and we aggresively continue to cause irreversible damage to our environment we would be ready to lie down our prejudice and believe in a dream, be taken by our ideas and our hopes for change. Those who supported the Democratic candidate last night, believe in America, as it stands, from the very words of its founders. A country very different than the one we live in today. This is something to wake up to , something to admire and to see hope in. It is a generational change, young people leaving behind the confort of their bubble worlds and seeing that unless something is done, we are headed for a dark ride. At this, many will complain, many of my fellow idealists will distrust Barak Obama. I have already heard the cries of people who believe in the independent party or in the small Democratic candidates who don't get any money behind their campaign. I say to them "you know what? Feel inspired by what doors will open up as a cause of this, dream a little and trust a little. Money DOES lie behind mostly everything in this world, and the average guy is not willing to invest their own time to seek out their favorite candidate. People have become lazy and complacent, they are like toddlers, in need of stimuli and visuals, if this is so, then so be it. Whatever it takes to give American citizens the first push to get off their couches and vote. "

Sunday, August 06, 2006

inspirada por Edward Said

Las grandes guerras empiezan y llevan hasta el final una carga psicologica que es utilizada por ambos lados con el fin de obtener victoria moral por sobre su enemigo ante los ojos de los espectadores. "La guerra se basa en el engaño. Muevete cuando sea ventajoso y crea cambios en la situación dispersando y concentrando tus fuerzas." Sun Tzu
Si alguien pierde la guerra psiologica se ve undido en un estado de pasividad y permite asi que el gran manipulador obtenga una victoria moral y psicologica. Nuestro mundo de politica y "diplomacia" es uno que se deriva de liaisons, relaciones diplomaticas por razones economicas o en el peor de los casos, por una causa o un ideal en comun. A quien hay que temerle es a un enemigo con ideales, alguien que cree verdaderamente en su causa o que logra convencer a otros mas poderosos aliados de su causa. Como dijo varias veces Edward Said, en el caso de los Palestinos y los Israelitas, Israel hasta ahora ha ganado la guerra moral, por lo menos en la mente de el occidente. Es ahi donde los Palestinos y aquellos otros a quienes le interese ayudar a esta causa tienen que alzar las voces y no las armas para hacer ver al resto del mundo sus verdades. La mayoria de la gente siente lastima por la causa de los palestinos pero aun asi los ve como terroristas y fundamentalistas. La causa principal por esta imagen erronea de los Palestinos y hasta los Arabes en general es el silencio de los grandes intelectuales Arabes suplementado por la gran potencia de la campanha propagandista de Israel. Es por esto que tienen el ciego apoyo de los Estados Unidos y es por esto que el mundo sigue observando silenciosamente las injusticias que ocurren en esta region. Una de las tacticas mas antiguas utilizadas para justificar los horrores que ocurren en el trascurso de guerra es deshumanizar a tu enemigo. Eso es lo que hay que cambiar, hay que recordar, verlo por lo que verdaderamente es, y darnos cuenta que gracias a nuestro silencio y nuestra apatia gente es desterrada y brutalmente asesinada.

the purpose of...

Well, I'm atually just a beginner student in international politics but I'm nothing but eager in furthering my studies concerning Middle East Policy and Peace Resolution. My particular area of interests is the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and perhaps the highly idealistic possibility of some kind of peace accord. I am from Peru but have lived all of my young adult life in South Florida. I attended Florida International University to obtain my bachelors in International Relations and I am currently working in furthering my studies to a Masters and PHD specializing in Middle Eastern Policy. Living in South Florida I find a lot of segments of society lack in a sense of consciousness and are not very politically active in their respective communities. We live in a world that fosters a great deal of inequalities on all levels and though that may come as no surprise to anyone, what have you done to make it better? That is a question that I keep at the top of my mind at all times, no matter how little the contribution, the sprouting of political interests in our communities today is what will eventually lead to social movements and to US regaining control of our lives. It is so easy to become desinsitized, to just allow for our leaders to make decisions for us just as long as our basic needs are met; it is precisely however that degree of complacency that I found the root of the problem in society today.